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BOOK LIST with RETAIL PRICES (alphabetical order)

Lightly Press books: 

  • Adam's Alphabet  $16.50
  • A Tangle of Tales: short stories for children  $14.95
  • Big-Stamp Two-Toes the Barefoot Giant    $14.95
  • Color and Gesture   $38.50
  • Eggs for the Hunting    $14.95
  • Kimber's Pig  $14.95
  • King Red and the white Snow  $11.95
  • Sir Gillygad and the Gruesome Egg   $16.50
  • The Adventures of Jayne  $15.95
  • The Alphabet (in full color)  $24.95
  • The Bee who lost his Buzz    $11.95
  • The Cricket and the Shepherd Boy ~ a Christmas tale   $11.95
  • The Darkling Beasts  $15.50
  • The Festival of Stones    $14.95
  • The Fetching of Spring    $16.50
  • The Lost Lagoon    $16.50
  • The Magic Knot ~ and other tangles!    $14.95
  • The Midsummer Mouse  $16.50
  • The Nine Lives of Pinrut the Turnip Boy $14.95
  • The Seven Saws of Speedy Weedy and Mosey Dawdle  $14.95
  • The Starry Bird ~ an Easter tale    $14.95
  • The Tales of Tiptoes Lightly    $14.95
  • The Treasure Cave  $16.50

Lightly Press Spanish translations:

  • El Grillo y el Joven Pastor (The Cricket and the Shepherd Boy)  $11.95
  • La Abeja que Perdió su Zumbido  (The Bee who lost his Buzz) $11.95
  • Los Cuentos de Puntitas de Pies  (The Tales of Tiptoes Lightly) $14.95

Lightly Press German translations: 

  • Das Bienchen das sein Summ' verlor (The Bee who lost his Buzz) $11.95 
  • Die Geschichten der Elfe Leichtfuss (The Tales of Tiptoes Lightly) $14.95 

Pied Piper Press books: 

  • The Being of the Arts  $8.95
  • The Boy who Knew what the Birds said  $16.50
  • The Children of Odin $12.95
  • The King of Ireland's Son (footnoted and annotated)  $14.95

 Whole Spirit Press books:

  • Gilgamesh (in full color)  $24.95
  • Sticks across the Chimney    $11.95
  • The Boy apprenticed to an Enchanter   $7.95
  • The Gate swings in    $13.95
  • The Last little Cat    $8.95